Download Rachid CamPainter V1 1.0 APK for Android

Rachid CamPainter V1 1.0
File name: Rachid-CamPainter-V1.APK
ID: appinventor.ai_rachidien.CamPainterV1
Version: 1.0
File Size: 1.6Mb

Rachid CamPainter V1 Screenshots
Rachid CamPainter V1 Screenshots 0Rachid CamPainter V1 Screenshots 1Rachid CamPainter V1 Screenshots 2Rachid CamPainter V1 Screenshots 3Rachid CamPainter V1 Screenshots 4Rachid CamPainter V1 Screenshots 5

What's new in Rachid CamPainter V1 1.0

This is the version n° 1 of Rac CamPainter

Rachid CamPainter V1 Details

Rachid CamPainter is a beautiful and fast app to edit photos taken by your phone camera or from memory card.

CamPainter allows users to take a picture with their mobile device (phone or tablet) and make some funny edits on it before saving the final picture.

Features of CamPainter :
- Take picture with mobile camera and edit it
- Edit photo from Device Galery (or memory card)
- Add lines and dots to the image
- Change colors ( 6 colors are used :black, white, blue, green, yellow and red)
- Change size of used brush.
- Save edited pictures to the sd card.

This is the first version of CamPainter. If you have any question or suggestion, please feel free to contact me.

Rachid CamPainter V1 | 1 Reviewers | | Rating: 5

Download Rachid CamPainter V1 1.0 APK